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Colonoscopy is an examination done to detect the changes or abnormalities in the colon or large intestine and rectum. During a colonoscopy, lengthy flexible tube (colonoscope) is placed into the rectum. The Gastroenterology doctors in Ongole can view the inner portion of the entire colon through the tiny video camera at the tip of the tube. If needed, the polyps or any abnormal tissues are eliminated through the scope at the time of colonoscopy. Biopsies or tissue samples can be taken as well during colonoscopy.

By age 50, an individual must begin to get a colonoscopy at regular intervals, regardless of your gender or overall wellbeing. As you age, the chances to develop polyps and bowel cancer surges. Getting normal colonoscopies helps your doctor at Best Gastroenterology hospitals in Ongole to discover anomalies early so they can be treated at the earliest. You ought to consider receiving colonoscopies prior in your life if you have a family background of bowel cancer or has any diagnosed conditions previously that influences your digestive tract, including:

  • irritable gut condition (IBS)
  • inflammatory gut infection (IBD)
  • colorectal polyps

You may like wise consider to get a colonoscopy more than once per year at Colonoscopy test centers in Ongole if your chances for bowel conditions is particularly high, or you have reliable indications that lead bowels to aggravate or inflame.

When to get the first colonoscopy?

The first colposcopy can be recommended by the Gastro & liver specialist in Ongole at the age of 50 if you are in good health and don’t have any family history of bowel disorder.

A doctor can recommend a colonoscopy if you are diagnosed with bowel conditions such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. This can aid in assuring that bowels stay healthy and the problem is treated at the earliest.

If you are over 50 or have a bowel condition, talk to your doctor to have a colonoscopy during physical examination. This enables the doctor to check the colon health and overall wellbeing is evaluated.

Get the best Treatment for colonoscopy in Ongole.

Why is it done?

The doctor may recommend for a colonoscopy or Endoscopy treatment in Ongole to:

Examine intestinal signs and indications

A colonoscopy can assist your doctor with investigating potential reasons for intestinal pain, rectal bleeding, chronic constipation, constant looseness of the bowels and other intestinal issues.

Screen for colon disease

In case you are aged 50 and at average risk to develop colon cancer — you have no colon malignancy hazard factors other than age — the doctor may suggest a colonoscopy for every 8-10 years or sooner to evaluate for colon malignancy. Colonoscopy is one option for screening colon cancer. Discuss with your PCP about your choices.

Look for additional polyps

On the off chance that you have had polyps previously, your doctor may prescribe a subsequent colonoscopy to search for and eliminate any extra polyps. This is done to decrease your danger of colon malignancy.

Why Asian hospital?

Asian Hospital is the best hospital in Ongole which is custom-designed with advanced facilities to provide effective healing. Everything is built keeping in mind the patient's comfort and health.


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