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Colonoscopy enables to examine the entire large bowel also called the colon or large intestine through a tiny camera at the tip of the tube. The colon helps structure the most minimal bit of the gastrointestinal lot. It takes in food, ingests supplements, and discards squander. During a colonoscopy treatment in Ongole, tissue samples for biopsy are collected and also removes abnormal tissue such as polyps, if ignored means may turn into cancer. Screening for and observation of colorectal cancer are among the indications for colonoscopy. Although colorectal cancer is highly preventable, it remains the second most common cause of cancer deaths.

By being aware to the symptoms of colorectal cancer, it may be possible to recognize the disease at the early stage as it can be more likely to be treated successfully. Nonetheless, many individuals with colorectal malignant growth don't have any indications until the sickness is progressed, so individuals should be screened consistently.

  • Change in bowel habits.
  • Diarrhea or constipation.
  • Dark blood in the stool.
  • Discomfort in the abdomen, like frequent gas pains, bloating, fullness, and cramps.
  • Unknown Weight loss.
  • Constant tiredness or fatigue.
  • Unexplained iron-deficiency anemia, which is a low number of red blood cells.

There are various colonoscopy preparations. Patients going through this procedure are given guidelines about the cleansing/purging preparation. Usually, it comprises of drinking an enormous volume of an extraordinary purging arrangement or clear fluid diet (see below) for 24to 72 hours and purgatives or purifications before the assessment. Failing this the procedure may be inadequate and it may have to be repeated. There are 5 to 6% of people who develop colon cancer in lifetime effecting both men and women. Nevertheless, colonoscopy brings good news as it makes colorectal cancer that can actually be prevented.

Talk to our specialist, Dr.Manasa Manne about having a colonoscopy if you have any of the following:
  • Older than 45.
  • Older than 40 with a family background of colon malignancy or colon polyps.
  • If you notice any change in your bowel movements.
  • Bleeding or pain, regardless of your age.

There’s no reason to avoid this lifesaving procedure. Below are few facts to prove that colonoscopy is not harmful.

  • Colonoscopy is painless and is quick.
  • A colonoscopy could spare your life.
  • Disregard what you've heard. Colonoscopy prep isn't. THAT. Awful.
  • Remains the best, long haul alternative for colon malignancy screening.
  • Can discover a larger number of conditions.

In case you're 45 or more established or have side effects of bowel disorder, talk to your doctor at gastric hospitals in Ongole and schedule colonoscopy or endoscopy treatment in Ongole


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